Banja Luka Youth Pres

The magazine “Osmoškolac” was published by elementary school students in Banja Luka and was aimed at young readers. Students from nine primary schools in the Krajina region participated in its creation. Through this magazine, primary school students had the opportunity to present their creative works, such as essays, poems, and stories. Another well-known magazine was “Cvrkut Zmajeve škole” (The Chirp of Zmaj’s School), published by Zmaj Jova Jovanović Elementary School.

Students of the Banja Luka Gymnasium published their own newspaper, “Orfej” (Orpheus). This publication was significant as it allowed students to engage in journalism and explore topics of interest. “Naša riječ” (Our Word) was the school paper of the Banja Luka Technical School.

“Prelom”, which began with publication in December 1988, took a more serious approach, focusing on the analysis and commentary of social and political issues within the socialist system. “Prelom” played an important role in initiating discussions on social issues and critiquing certain aspects of socialism.

In addition to the student-run magazines, various cultural and artistic societies also had their own newspapers or magazines, such as “Kolo”. These publications often focused on culture, art, and literature, providing young authors and artists with a platform to showcase their works. Looking at the imprints of these publications, it’s evident that many future well-known journalists and writers from Banja Luka began their careers in youth press.

These publications were an important part of the media space of the time, offering a platform for young people to engage in social and cultural dialogues and to express their ideas and opinions in ways that were characteristic of that period.

You can learn more about youth press in Banja Luka by visiting our gallery.
